Thursday, August 20, 2009

Interview with Ex-Baseball Player Billy Sample

Billy Sample played in the big leagues from 1978-1986 for the Rangers ('78 to '84), Yankees ('85), Braves ('86). He was an outfielder and formerly worked on Radio. Here are some questions he answered via e-mail.

BW: What was it like wearing pinstripes?

BS: Pinstripes made me look heavier.

BW: What was your favorite team to play for?

y favorite team was whichever was winning the most, my Yankees year we won 97, but did not make the playoffs.

BW: What teams did you dream to play on?

BS: The 78-84 Rangers, 85 Yankees and 86 Braves.

BW: Who was your idol?

I didn't have baseball idols, but always admired the way that former Yankees outfielder Roy White played the game. When I was with the Yankees, I told him so, he didn't believe me:-) My real idols were teachers, Cub scout leaders, and coaches as I was growing up.

BW: What would you tell someone who wants to make it to the big leagues?

BS: To get to the majors, work hard, and work hard on potential
talents, (speed, power, soft hands on defense, etc).

BW: Is it cooler to play in the MLB or work for the MLB?

No longer work for MLB or the dot com, but even if I did, it's much cooler to play in the majors, especially if you and/or the team are doing well.

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